Transition as an Opportunity
You have 3 votes left in this category
Nick Busse
Head of Military Engagement (Talent Programs), Leaf Home
FORMATPannel Session
CATEGORYTransition - Preparing for Life After
LEVELBasic Understanding
- Planning before you leave the service - Marketing yourself before and during transition - Networking on LinkedIn - Using your skills to leverage opportunity in life
Nick Busse
Head of Military Engagement (Talent Programs), Leaf Home
I am a 13-year Army Veteran out of Sacramento, CA. I am a Veterati and The K.E.Y. mentor as well as the Chair of the Board to Victory Bridge Foundation. I am a business owner of Prep Athletics LLC, and my career focuses on transitioning veterans into the workplace and uphold military culture inside my organization. I lead the company's ERG for veterans, and plan to build the best non-profit organization for our veterans. I did 6 years as a Field Artillery NCO and 7 years as a Recruiting NCO. I have produced a DAV Patriot Employer Award, MOAA Award, and Congressional Recognition. I am a writer currently writing about how to overcome transition obstacles and market yourself.