Code of Conduct

The Military Influencer Conference is dedicated to providing a welcoming, harassment-free conference for everyone, regardless of age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, and religious beliefs.

Our community will not tolerate harassment in any form. Sexual language, unwelcome advances, discriminatory or offensive speech is not appropriate for any of our events, or online media.

Any attendee, MIC employee, volunteer, speaker, sponsor or partner who does not abide by this Code of Conduct may be asked to leave the conference at the discretion of the event organizers. In the case that an attendee is expelled, refunds will not be granted.

By participating in MIC Atlanta, all attendees, speakers, sponsors, staff, exhibitors, and volunteers must abide by the Code of Conduct. This code will be enforced throughout the event, we expect understanding and support from all participants to ensure a safe environment for all involved.

This Code of Conduct applies to all workshops, sessions, events, and online activity.

How to report a violation

If you become aware of this Code of Conduct is violated in any way or have other concerns, please contact a MIC employee, volunteer, or Curtez Riggs, at

Thank you for making MIC a safe place for everyone – we hope you have a great time!