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The Podcast Solution: Social Media, Blogs, Audio, Video, Text, SEO, Visibility, and Credibility with Every Conversation.


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Travis Johnson Headshot
Travis Johnson
CEO Nonprofit Architect and Podcast Titan,, Nonprofit Architect

FORMATBreakout Sessions

CATEGORYGoing Live - Podcasting, Vblogging, Video Content

LEVELBasic Understanding

What will I post on social media today? How will I find the time to write another blog? Where do I get the content for my LinkedIn newsletter? Which content format does my audience prefer? Video? Audio? Full Text? How much does it cost for someone to do my SEO? What tool can I use to increase my visibility and build credibility at the same time? The Podcast solution takes the pain out of entrepreneurship and puts your time back in your hands. Stop burning the midnight oil. Stop ignoring your family. Stop being a nameless face in the crowd. Start podcasting and make life and business easier.


Travis Johnson Headshot

Travis Johnson

CEO Nonprofit Architect and Podcast Titan,, Nonprofit Architect

Travis is a retired Naval Officer and on move #50. His background includes 36 moves, 12 schools, 6 states, 5 foster homes, surviving 2 murder attempts, and mother with bipolar. Travis hosts the top-rated Nonprofit Architect Podcast (#4 US), hosts the Veteran Podcast Awards, and is the only professional podcaster with an accredited college course. CEO of the Podcast Titan, Travis’ team helps launch, grow, and monetize podcasts. He has partnered with Carol Carpenter ( on their new podcast Becoming Titans. Podcast Magazine named Travis a top veteran podcaster in 2019.

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