The Connection between Quality Childcare and National Security
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Kayla Corbitt, Operation Child Care
Owner & Operator, Operation Child Care

CATEGORYMilitary Spouse Related
LEVELBasic Understanding
Access to quality childcare in military families impacts all areas of life. It affects military spouse employment, child development, personal finances, the family unit, and retention rates. Operation Child Care takes an in depth look at how to address these substantial issues.

Kayla Corbitt, Operation Child Care
Owner & Operator, Operation Child Care
Kayla Corbitt is a military family advocate who has utilized a boots-on-the-ground methodology to address needs within the military community. Kayla has been employed by and volunteered with many DOD organizations and used these positions to petition senior leaders towards action. Kayla believes that military spouse employment issues are childcare issues at their core. The best way to support our troops is to support their families.