Stay Alert Stay Alive: Building Your Strategic Defense Initiative
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Founder and Chief Transformation Officer, TTG Transformations

FORMATBreakout Sessions
LEVELBasic Understanding
The Coronavirus pandemic was not the first disaster to impact small businesses and the economy. And it will not be the last. Typically, up to 25% of businesses close after every disaster. More recently, according to Yelp data, permanent closures have reached 97,966, representing 60% of closed businesses that won't be reopening. Those that survived were resilient. Facing stress in our lives is an integral component of being more resilient; however, resilience is not enough. Whether you see it coming or not, it’s coming. So, it’s not a matter of if, but when disaster will strike. In order to survive future disasters, business owners must stay alert to stay alive. In this resource rich presentation, participants are introduced to the tactics, information, principles, and strategies (T.I.P.S.) necessary to prepare for and overcome adversities that will impact their businesses and their lives. Don’t wait to mitigate! Prepare to grow, improve, and prosper.

Founder and Chief Transformation Officer, TTG Transformations
Having served as an NCAA athlete, a US Army engineer, a deputy city councilman, and an award-winning sales professional, I know how to empower you to get up, get out and keep moving– even under the most difficult circumstances. As founder and Director of the Veterans Business Outreach Center University of Texas Arlington, I provide technical assistance to educate, train, and inspire transitioning veterans, National Guard, active and reserve component members, and their spouses to grow the U.S. economy and its employment base, while adding value to the communities in which they live and serve as small business owners.