Military Career Transition: Insights From the Employer Side of the Desk
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William E.
President & Chief Advisor, Kieffer & Associates LTD
CATEGORYTransition - Preparing for Life After
LEVELBasic Understanding
The Employer Perspective. One of the most important, least covered topics in most military career transition discussions. Throughout your military career, you've been well trained for success. You've received technical training, culture training, and "intelligence preparation of the battlefield" to ensure you're fully aware of the environment you'll be facing. This session will provide you "intelligence preparation of the career battlefield" to help you learn what employers expect and how transition works. We'll cover general business insights, culture, the transition environment, networking, and common recruiting practices, so you are well armed for your transition.
William E.
President & Chief Advisor, Kieffer & Associates LTD
Bill has coached countless service members, veterans and others regarding career transition. His book “Military Career Transition: Insights from the Employer Side of the Desk”, debuted in July 2021 as the #1 New Release in Amazon’s Job-Hunting category. Bill serves veteran and law enforcement career transition non-profits including The Honor Foundation, Ranger for Life, and Law Enforcement Connect. He served nearly 12 years as a U.S Army Officer and 23 more as an HR executive in large, global companies. Bill presented “Investing in the Middle” at TEDx Toledo, guested >30 podcasts, and has been elected to public office multiple times.