How to Use Your Milspouse Story to Connect with Customers
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Lizann Lightfoot,
Founder of the Seasoned Spouse blog, and published author, The Seasoned Spouse

CATEGORYMilitary Spouse Related
LEVELBasic Understanding
Storytelling is an effective way to make yourself memorable to customers and potential clients. Many military spouses don't realize they are sitting on a goldmine of great stories that can showcase their unique skill set. Identifying and sharing your unique milspouse story can be a valuable business strategy, even if your work and clients are not military-affiliated. In this session, milspouse author Lizann Lightfoot will demonstrate why storytelling is an effective strategy for your business, and explore several types of stories that have a maximum impact in a social media world. Then, she will lead you through a storytelling workshop where you will brainstorm storytelling strategies to enhance your own business websites.

Lizann Lightfoot,
Founder of the Seasoned Spouse blog, and published author, The Seasoned Spouse
Lizann Lightfoot, "the Seasoned Spouse," is a professional writer and editor who focuses on support for military families. In 2016, she founded the Seasoned Spouse blog and became a freelance writer. Since then, she has published hundreds of articles for military magazines and websites, and self-published two books. Her third book, "Open When: Letters of Encouragement for Military Spouses" was published in 2021 by Military Family Books. She now works as the Senior Content Editor for PCSgrades.