How to reduce pain, increase physical and mental performance and help 100k veterans lose 2 million pounds.
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Dave Morrow
President/CEO, Dave Morrow Personal Training
CATEGORYMental Health & Resiliency
LEVELBasic Understanding
Learn how to implement a proven, at home strategy, to dramatically reduce your chronic pain through the use of my "nimbleness protocol". Having suffered career ending back, knee and psychological injuries, I came up with a system that has given me back my life and the ability to play sports, compete in the Ironman and wrestle with my kids. My goal is to help alleviate as much pain as possible so that veterans can thrive.
Dave Morrow
President/CEO, Dave Morrow Personal Training
Canadian Army veteran, dad and fitness junkie that fell apart physically and psychologically post service who now serves his fellow veterans by helping them get leaner, fitter and harder to kill.