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How podcasting changed my life (and will yours, too).


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Chase Chewning Headshot
Chase Chewning
Founder, Operation Podcast

FORMATBreakout Sessions

CATEGORYGoing Live - Podcasting, Vblogging, Video Content

LEVELBasic Understanding

Why every personal brand and business MUST HAVE a podcast in 2020. I will discuss how I grew my side-hustle show from one episode per week in 2017 to three+ per week and full-time show with over 1 MILLION downloads in less than three years.


Chase Chewning Headshot

Chase Chewning

Founder, Operation Podcast

I served active duty in the US Army 2003-2009 and was medically retired as an E-6/SSG due to injuries sustained. I developed a newfound appreciation for the human mind and body and set out to optimize both as best I could while also serving others at the same time. As a Certified Health Coach with my MS in Health Promotion I place a large emphasis on holistic wellness. As a full-time entrepreneur in the social media space I run a podcast education, production, and consulting business.


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