Fish Out of Water: The Military Leader Building a Non-Military Brand
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JJ Conway
CEO, Conway Financial Group LLC
CATEGORYTransition - Preparing for Life After
LEVELBasic Understanding
Whether you're running a company or building a brand, leadership is essential to success. However, leading outside of the military requires a new skillset and the ability to interact with multiple generations. JJ Conway will equip you with the skills to become an empowered technical leader.
JJ Conway
CEO, Conway Financial Group LLC
JJ Conway become a financial planner after returning from a 6-month military trip to discover her house sold, divorce papers, and over $845,000 debt to her name. Adapting to life as a military single mom, JJ learned how money worked and how to make it work for her quickly, yet ethically. She now teaches others the same personal growth and financial management skills that allowed her to dump that debt and begin building wealth. She also mirrors these principles when working with businesses to improve processes, people, and profit.