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Epic Facebook group growth hacks that grow your influence and database with automation


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Lindsey Litton Headshot
Lindsey Litton
CEO, Lindsey Litton Co


CATEGORYContent Marketing

LEVELBasic Understanding



Lindsey Litton Headshot

Lindsey Litton

CEO, Lindsey Litton Co

Lindsey is an active duty military spouse and multi-platinum award winning serial entrepreneur who uses the power of social impact and relationship marketing to fuel exponential business, personal and community growth. With a history of scaling the highest altitudes both in business and on some of the world's most challenging peaks, Lindsey enjoys beating the odds while beating the clock. She and her team achieved $100 Million in real estate sales in 5 years -- half of the 10 year industry average. In 2014, Lindsey founded The Litton Group. In 2016, she co-founded MilHousing Network, the national real estate network for military families that has helped more than 300 military families buy and sell homes throughout the country. The Litton Group is MilHousing Network’s flagship team. Together, they share an aligned mission to combat military spouse unemployment, which is 4 times the national average for their civilian peers. To accomplish this, they are creating careers in real estate for military spouses and sponsoring military spouses to start their careers in real estate through their scholarship partnership with the non-profit organization the National Military Family Association. A builder of communities, Lindsey knows the value of technology and media. She built and grew the MilHousing Network Movie Night Facebook group to over 2,500 military families who enjoy virtual movie nights, together, each quarter. She also created the MilHousing Network’s podcast where she hosted and grew the MilHousing Nation show to 10,000 listeners annually. Her Facebook Live series, The PCS Show™ helps its audience—45,000 military families—relocate to new duty stations. To support these programs, Lindsey has generated $500K in revenue from negotiated sponsorships with national brands. Lindsey is a woman of faith, Military Spouse (Air Force) and serial entrepreneur. She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with her husband, two children, and three dogs where she enjoys the great outdoors mountain biking above the treeline, trail running through the pines and hiking elevations 14K feet and higher.

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