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Developing Creative Ideas for Clickable Content Sharing


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Jennifer Cragg Headshot
Jennifer Cragg
Communications Specialist/Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton

FORMATBreakout Sessions

CATEGORYContent Creation

LEVELBasic Understanding

Developing Creative Ideas for Clickable Content Sharing. This break-out session will serve to encourage veterans to share their content, collaborate with others to share their experiences. Everyone has a unique story to share. My session will encourage brainstorming and idea creation to help tell their story from a veteran's perspective. From there, we can discuss tangible suggestions on platforms and ways to bring a voice to their experiences.


Jennifer Cragg Headshot

Jennifer Cragg

Communications Specialist/Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton

An award-winning communicator with combined civilian and military public affairs experience working alongside diverse backgrounds and cultures. Forward-thinking strategist responsible for formulating targeted communication plans to support internal organizational programs and external PR efforts.

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