Beyond Podcasting, Build a TV Streaming Network
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Dr. Jason Piccolo
Host/Owner, The Protectors Network
FORMATFireside Chat
CATEGORYGoing Live - Podcasting, Vblogging, Video Content
LEVELBasic Understanding
Are you a podcaster? Speaker? Want to influence others through verbal rhetoric? Many of you may have jumped on the opportunity to start your own podcast and have only seen minimal downloads. Dr. Jason Piccolo has transformed his audio only podcast to a streaming video network seen worldwide on Amazon Fire TV. Piccolo has gone from hundreds of listeners to tens of thousands of viewers. In his talk, Piccolo walks you through the steps of building a virtual and visual network, with a step by step guide to marketing your new visual venture.
Dr. Jason Piccolo
Host/Owner, The Protectors Network
Dr. Jason Piccolo is a U.S. Army Veteran with service from 1993 to 2006, PV2 to CPT, including a tour in Iraq (OIF). Piccolo hosts the widely popular show The Protectors and operates the Protectors Network of key veteran influencers. Piccolo has been seen on major news outlets, is a published author, and is also a college professor.